Created, written and produced by Catherine Frances, O CHRISTMAS TREE is a one hour special that explores and celebrates the history of the Christmas Tree. Hosted by actor Richard Karn, best known as Al Borland on the ABC show Home Improvement. Special guest star, Gerald Dickens, real life great, great grandson of Charles Dickens.
Guest stars include Dr. Christmas, aka Bob Pranga and Debi Staron, Christopher Radko and singer/song writer Jon Walmsley (The Waltons). Jon teamed with producer Catherine Frances to create two new songs for the special, including CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA, with background singers, The Magnolia Baptist Choir of South Central Los Angeles. Jon has gone back into the studio to rerecord CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA.
Check out CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA on YouTube. Go to: Jon Walmsley Christmas In America. It is also available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Spotify.
O CHRISTMAS TREE aired nationally on PBS and currently can be seen through WPT in Madison WI and their affiliates. It is also out on DVD and available through Amazon and Shop PBS.
UPDATE: watch for a re release of O CHRISTMAS TREE coming summer 2016 on a cable network.